T'rsye, the lay of the land...

Location of the Shire of T’rsye

The shire of T’rsye has a natural geographical terrain that is mainly a highland area.  It is the home of high and low mountains, and only skirted by lowlands(flatlands) toward it’s most easterly border.  Throughout the shire the land is crisscrossed in different directions by natuaral elevation of land formations of crescented and saddle mountain, knolls, synclinal a medley of hills, knobs, ridges, vales, dales, glens, meadows, mounds, creviced hillocks, depressions and many other variations that are prevalent in any highland area.

This area is intersected by headwaters born in the heart of the shire to become rivers that cascade down their mountain paths, following ancient watercourses, descending and at points to meet up with meandering streams and winding brooks.

The area is a woodland wonder covered by the canopies of maples, mastic trees, evergreens, ....., to mountain ash.  It is also an area pot marked by monolithic boulders, rock bound hills and stone crops along it’s synclinal terrain.  In areas, erroded by a millennia of river routes its creviced by wide and narrow riverines and gullies, forking out and branching here and there.  Given all that, it’s abundance and it’s naturally growing forests, life under the forest’s canopy becomes an ideal habitat for the wild beasts and fowl that take refuge in this natural wonder.

With a precipitous climate, of heavy rains in spring and in the autumn months enliven the land.  A hot dry midsummer and the blast of blistering cold wind grips the land only to thaw out late in spring from it’s icy blanket.  Although the highland weather may differ somewhat from that of the rest of the Balkan peninsula in general, it is still a representation of the Mediterranean, regarded and known as the middle of the Old World, in every respect to climate.
The village of T’rsye is located on the South Western interior of Macedonia, in the province of “Lerin”.  The village itself is situated in a mountain range at about 15 kilometers South West of the provincial capital of Lerin.  It is built on the slope of Mount “Loundzer” at an elevation of approximately 1200 meters above sea level.  Mount “Loundzer” at it’s peak stretches to a height of 1932 meters above sea level.
In the area of T’rsye there are a bevy of mountains of great heights.  On some the height are known and on others remain unknown.  To name a few, Mount “Kirko” stands at 1919 meters above sea level, Mount “Kelava Glava” at 1695, Mount “Koukoul” at 1694, and Mount “Derveno” at 1675.
Other mountains of lesser influence and high hills with various heights are “Louta”, “F’rlai Kamen”, “Palego”, “Golem Rid”, “Evanoff Rid”, “Dolni Loundzer” (Also known as “Mlad Loundzer”, “Ramni V’rh”, “Glavieto”, and “V’ro”.

The boundaries of T’ryse are not linear, straight, or squared, but follow to edge around, and bisect the paths and routes of mountains, hills, rises, ravines, rivers, culvents, fields, basins and many other barriers and natural land formations.  As a result of this natural topography of the area’s terrain, we have common borders with all the bordering villages, where border-lining intersect betwixt some areas, allowing for a common ownership of a tract of land or geographical area.  At the boundaries in the farthest extremity in the East of the Shire of T’rsye, this area borderlines and parallels the boundaries of the city of “Lerin”.  We begin our borders at “Chaoulata”, then cut across in a South Easterly direction towards “plotchite” through “Dotsina Niva” and head towards mount “palego” over the flat peak middle syncline of the three buttressing hillocks that are at the base of the mountain.
At this junction T’rsye’s  borders also intersect with that of the borders of the village of “Nevoleni”. Mount “Palego” is the tri-point or multilateral border where the common border of the city of “Lerin” diverges and T’rsye continues to bilaterally parallel the borderline of Nevoleni.  From Mount “Palego” the borders lead us south to “Bairamoff Vir” (Bairamoff  Pond) Still heading in a southerly direction to K’ntesh Kamen near the river of “Louta” and crossing the river we follow the ascending gradient of the area of the hillock of Mazniko to Lopoushets.  Located on the mountain of “Louta”, east of the little lake “Ezertse” flanking “Louta”, we run intercurrent with the borders of Nevoleni, Krapeshtina and T’rsye. From this area heading in a south westerly direction following the contour of the mountain of “Louta”, prior to the outcrops of “Sinite kamenia” (Blue Rocks), the border with “Krapeshtina comes to an end.  From the general area of “Sinite kamenie” we convolve with the border of the village of “Neret”.  Following the pattern of the terrain in a westerly direction along the top of mount Louta, the common borders bisect “Tsoutskata” and “Stogo”.  Following the natural barriers, both our borders head straight towards “Mount Derveno” and top its rim to traverse and breech the area at some point and draw near the mountain of “Glavieto” (The heads), then midway swing to the South West towards the mountain of V’ro (Where end our borders with Neret).  From there onward we continue on a Westerly direction along this path in pursuit of the mountain of “Koukoul” through “presekata”, Turianski Dol and “cheshala” to converge in these areas with the borders of Turie, Statitsa and T’rsye.  At “Statitsa”, from “Cheshala” curving in a slight North Westerly direction saunter the sloping grades of these areas to “Meshta” crossing over the river to Dreno, then on to “Plotchite” and following this path the border ascends up to the mountain of “Golinata” (Bare mountain).  Somewhere in the midst of “Golinata” we diverge from our common border with “Statitsa” and verge to a new border with the village of “Psoderi”.  From Golinata we follow an easterly concourse towards the mountain “Kirko”.  The border with “Psoderi” begins as a precisely corresponding subdivision of our borders on “Kirko” and as the North Frontier of T’rsye.  These boundaries continue unhindered onward to “Vlasnata Ornitsa” then to the mountain of “Loundzer”.
Along this pathway the borders of “T’rsye”, “Psoderi”, and “Armensko”, each border the other laterally on every side.  At this circumjacent point “T’rsye”, separates from “Psoderi” and becomes abreast of those of Armensko, at “Vlasnata Ornitsa”, where the fringe of “Vlasnata Ornitsa” converges with mount “Loundzer”.  From “Loundzer” the borders continue to follow an easterly direction travelling laterally along “Kalkova Preslop” (or Preslopta), to drape over “Armenska Preslop”, spanning and bisecting the lengths of these areas, and beyond the borders carry on to the all inspiring mountain of “Kelava Glava”.  Over it’s rim, heading in a easterly direction it enters an area of outcropping stones and megalithic boulders that abbreviate the land.  This area is rightfully named “Sokolets”.  From “Sokolets” the common borders drift over a tract of land in North easterly steep sloping decline towards “V’rtelkite” and on to the stone bridges where the tributaries of “Boutourski” dol or river as is called by T’rsyani, both emptys into the frothing “Armenska Reka”.  It must be noted that this river disects the borders at more than one point.  The border now follows its easterly direstion to find itself at “Mangova Niva” (Mangoffs Field), to intersect the midpoint at the area of “Ts’rkalo-o”. “Ts’rkalo-o” has a steep flat like rising incline.  The higher middle incline is the possession of T’rsye and the lower part belongs to the village of Armensko.  From “Ts’rkalo-o” this intersecting border follows a path to “Blagouno” and here ends our border association with Armensko, at a point near the snaking “Armenska Reka” at this second routing point toward its eastern leg of its journey.  At this subdivision the borders with “Armensko” end.  We again reconnect with borderlines of Lerin.  On our easterly frontier from “Blagouno”, at its western point borderline of Lerin and that of the eastern directional point of T’rsye’s borderline continue the division their paths on the south side of “Armenska Reka”, following the rivers ridge above it’s embarkment that appears along the horizon of the river, to drape over the ridge above “Trayan Dimoff Livada” (Trayan Dimoff Field) Onward this route towards a network of synclined hills it projects itself over the first slope of the synclined first buttressed hilly land form, towards “Postoloff Dol”.  It now travells along the second connecting buttressed hill bisecting and crossing the syncline of this rise and upwards the inclining slope, passing South on the fringe of “Trayan Mishovski Livada”(Trayan Mishovski’s Field).  It moves onward this route over the rim of the second synclined hill towards the megalithic boulder “Peshtera” of “Sotir Dimoff Livada”(Sotir Dimoff Field).  After it’s passage at “Sotir Dimoff Livada” it heads onward towards “Shoupourka Dere” (Shoupourka brooks), to near “Petre Maneff Livadie” (Peter Maneffs Fields) and south east to dissect the third buttress of the third synclynical rise at “chaoulata” at the field of “Grozdan Boudzoff” above the new widened road.  At this point we reconnect with the point of start and come full circle with the geographic borders of the village of T’rsye.  This also includes the area of “T’rsyanska Kalougeritsa”.  It must be noted that from “Glaviato” to “Stragite” and towards “Sokoletes”, are the main topographical areas that separate “T’rsye” from “T’rsyanska Kalougeritsa”.  It is believed that the most easterly boundaries of T’rsye’s Kalgertsa extends beyond the present boundaries at Chaoulata, Plocha, and Dotsina Niva it encompasses the whole side of the mountain of Lipata “Youch bounar” [three wells] Koulata and stretches out to the church of Sveti Georghi in the city of Lerin.  It is true that only T’rsyani and no body else have multiple fields, meadows, gardens, and orchards along this area.  The following T’rsyani are the ones that own properties there.

Laze Boudzov, Trayan Filipov, Pando Outov, Petre Torkov, Trayan Dimov, Kole Dimov, Ghilo Dimov, Georghia Roukov, Stefo Peov, Sotir Dimov, Trayan Dimov, K’rsto Stoikov, Risto Karatchorov, Sotir Outov, K’rsto Karatchorov, Grozdan Boudzov, Trayan Mishovski, Sotir Stanishov, Petre Nanov, Tsande Mishovski, Kote Mitkov, Ilo Karafilov, Sotir Lazhgov.

It is believed that this area was severed from T’rsye’s Kalgertsa and it was incorporated in the city of Lerin.