T'rsye and It's Name

In the distant past the village of T’rsye existed for untold ages as a viable close knit village people.  It’s location was then as is now in the same geographical area of Macedonia somewheres within our ancestral domain in the shire of T’rsye.  It’s variation in spelling as would be entered through the Turkish records is only due to the phonetic particularity of the Arabic language, which has a profound effect in transposing the “Glagolic” written word and phonetic pronunciation.  This is particularly true when anything is left to foreign lands to list a word or name, that is alien to them and in whose dialect or language does not have the exact or same phonetic letters to sound and must translate by their interpretation of the word by their own linguistic phonetic sounding vowels, letters, or their interpretation of them.  Given this fact, even today society’s that have not universalized their written language within a national structure or confirmed its true spelling by the wording of a dictionary, would among themselves be apt to write it differently, even within a localized community.  This would be more pronounced when it is translated by a person that is of a foreign national structure, especially one who doesn’t have a standard dictionary translation or the diction characters to transept the characteristics of one language to another.  Even with such at hand, sounding errors can be easily seen or give the incorrect impression of the actual character.

Today if we ask an English speaking person to take to write the name of “T’rsye” using the present day Latin alphabet, by hearing the phonetic Macedonian pronunciation (as we did in this particular case), one may interpret its spelling as “Tersye”, “Tersia”, “Terse” and so on.  A prime example of a universal interpretation and bastardization of a name is that of the name of “Caesar”, the name derived from the Old Holy emperors, stemming out of the lineage of “Julius Caesar”.  We have by our own particularity of language translated “Caesar” into “Tsar” meaning king, the German interpretation of it to “Kaiser”, and the Russian pronunciation as “Czar”.  No matter how our village name was spelled or written it withstood the test of time, it survived the ravages of foreign domination, and is to this day carried by the people of T’rsye and T’rsyani all over the world, although it was delieniated from all records in Aegean Macedonia by the Greek government to officially make it as non-existent in records, historical accounts and maps anywhere in the world under its proper Macedonian name.  The T’rsyani, the people themselves are the ones that keep the name alive and had allowed it to survive unscathed throughout the centuries.  The name is a testimony to the fact that a people of the same clan were the hereditary peoples of T’rsye then as they are now, that bear the same ancestry the same cultural inclination the same communal lands and most likely the same or relatively the same family names, changes only occurring when pressures were put to bear on the people to change their names and the changing particularities of the eras dialectal patterns of localities.  Through the historical archives of the Ottomans, the name of T’rsye gives a true statement in that it indicated by the existence of the name that the line of existence of T’rsyani was coherent, that T’rsyani an T’rsye was never depopulated as had happened in certain localities, or by any means repopulated by the people or by citizenary from any other part of the area that makes up the Balkans.  Through the known archives the connection and interconnection of the name of “Kalougeritsa” and “T’rye”, we are assured that T’rsyani had lived in the past in different localities of their inherent domain.

The name of kalougeritsa “Kaloucheri” appears as part of T’rsye, a testimony to what we T’rsyani always believed, that the people of “kalougeritsa” were T’rsyani or at the very last an arm of T’rsyani and had with them close kinship.  The only disconnection being that they lived in an area that in the time of the Ottoman era became the private lands of a Turkish high official.  Even this high official in his records associates them as an arm of T’rsyani of the village people of T’rsye.  T’rsyani in the past were living in many localitie of the Shire of T’rsye.  Those known to this day are T’rsye proper on Mount Loundzer, Staro T’rsye (Old Trsye) on Loupousets, the old village of Kalougeritsa, in the locality of Goumenitsa and Yanina Livada, Ramna shouma in Moteshnitsa near the city of Lerin and also in the city of Lerin.  T’rsyani in the past ages may have also resided or had hamlets, cottages, and other villages in localities in some other areas of T’rsye, since, a habit of moving a village to a different locality was no uncommon due to population growth, decimation of the surrounding flora, soil exhaustion of farming lands and for many other reasons that a society of those era may deem it necessary to relocate.  At present we have no recorded knowledge of such to either confirm or deny such an existence of communities.  What we do with certainty know is that T’rsyani did exist as a unified community prior to the time when Macedonia came under the Ottoman Empire in 1371 in the defeat of the last remnants of the Byzantine army in the Balkans.  At the time when Macedonia came under the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, records from shortly after that time in the Turkish registries show T’rsye as an already existing community.  Due to the Balkan’s small population size decimated through ongoing campaigns of war, famine, pestilence and other factors that were unique to that era, as was the general case in a large part of the European continent, we must not be surprised by the relatively small numbers that these household enumeration that are given below indicate.  These figures although seemingly very small by today’s standards, were an accurate representation of the regional areas population.  All in all T’rsye was a registered community and for all intend purposes was a village with a large communal area, indicated by the connection of Kalougeritsa in the Ottoman Turkish era records.  Large communal areas could sustain relatively large populations, and at one time in times of prosperity and relative peace.  T’rsye may have had a large population.

At present this is only speculation, but if the historic patterns of the European continent indicate any facts, they indicate that population sustaining agrarian communities do follow a patter of communal size of area to the size of the population.  The Turkish figures in the archives shown were of T’rsyani only, since Turkish officials would indicate any non-T’rsyani in their records, if they were in residence in T’rsye.  The Turkish officials would as well register any non-orthodox or not-like peoples or races since, it was the Turkish belief that one is to be indicated as a culture by the type of language religion, and church that one attends and their registries would follow suit in these terms.  To ratify what is known, below we have used facts and figures obtained from the book “T’rsye and T’rsyani”, published by Nikola Kichevski.  Mr Nikola’s research has led him to the first recorded information of T’rsye in registry #237 of the municipality of Kostour in the year 1445 A.D.  At that time T’rsye was registered as “Trestie” a village comprimised of 32 families, 3 bachelor, 1 maiden, and 2 widows.  In another recorded registry of Lerin “Nahia” of the year 1481 A.D., here T’rsye is officially registered in two places as having two localities, one as “Trasino” and the second as “Kaloucheri” (a most probable name given to indicate not the village but the people that lived in Kalougeritsa)  The records show that T’rsye as being administered by a Turkish official “Halil son of Hadzi Hassan”  In the registar the village of “Kalougeritsa”.  In registry #16 of the year 1481 A.D. the village is enumerated as being the Hasa (private lands) for a “Mustafa Bey” son of “Turgut Bey”.  It is registered as being compromised of 22 families and two widows as paying taxes.  In a further registry of the same registrar in registry #722, it is recorded that this village as being situated in the proximity of the town of Lerin.  This takes to account the same land borders than as they are at present.  In a second section of the same registry it also shows T’rsye as “Trase” and as being administered by “Yosuf son of Ibraim” in common with his brother “Mustafa”.  The administration of the Turkish “Beys” would have been akin to an overlord over their serfs.  It was for them to collect taxes, administer to the daily communal life, gather people to serve in the army to bolster the Turkish strength and to partake in the ongoing wars that the Ottoman Empire was involved in internally within the Empires holdings and externally with foreign forces, and to dominate over every aspect over the running of the village for the good of the Empire.  Registry of enumeration at times could be superficial, in so much that it was common practice under the Ottoman Empire, that more than one overlord would administer in one “Fiefdom” or village.  It was not unusual for one Bey to register their part that they governed separately from the other.  If this was the particular case in T’rsye, T’rsye could actually have had at that time a population of 72 families/households, 5 widows/widowers.   No matter what the case is as being, T’rsye did exist and the families in these enumeration’s would be our direct ancestors.  The registry in its enumeration’s show only the numbers of households/families.  At present there are no records available to show the individual enumeration at that time of each person of the village as to show the actual population of our village of T’rsye would account a family to consist of the grandparents, parents, the offspring’s, some married with children and some bachelors and maidens, as well as any great grandparents that may still be living.  Without having actual individual enumeration records this type of extended family circle would give a true indication of what the size of population may have been.  To take a conservative average, we may say that the family consists of 10 people and multiply this by the number of households to give us the population size of the village.  There may be records available of population numeration or older records available in the Turkish archive.  There may also be records of the enumeration of the villages of the area in Turkish records or as the carry over records of the Byzantine era if any such have survived.  Still in the realm of possibility but not probability records from the pre-Byzantine era, but no such records have been brought to surface or a thorough search made to find and scrutinize any, if such may somewhere in the world exist.

At present we must take the Ottoman registries that have been scrutinized as the oldest authenticated records available. We must also take to assumption that the Ottoman administrators of the locality were honest in their estimating the enumeration of households/families on their official records in order to enrich their own coffers and only pay taxes to the Empire through the taxes collected by the enumeration of what the registry indicated.

The Jurisdiction of The Principality of T'rsye

The jurisdiction of the principality of T’rsye has a primordial natural topographical terrain that is mainly a vast expanse of a highland area, formed by the invincible forces of nature during the earth’s youthful upheaval of continents.  This mountain range now weathered by the natural forces of erosion brought to existence the present formations that are particular to the Balkan peninsula.  This range with it’s rising elevations forms a barrier of high and low forested mountains that divides the Balkan region into lowlands and highlands.  The region of T’rsye is only skirted by lowlands (flatlands) towards it’s most easterly border, where the land dips and slopes to join the borders at the outskirts of the provincial capital of Lerin.

Throughout, T’rsyes southerly, westerly and northern bound regions and far beyond the confines of these borders, the land spreads out and ambles along in different directions.  The whole of the area is interspersed with natural irregular land elevations with formations of convexed, oblong, crescented, saddle and flat ridged sloping mountains.  Throughout the breadth of this expanse, each silhouetted terrain rise is comprised of an elevation different from those akin to it.  Every mountain is next to another, abreast of each other and connected to each other by a medley of hills, knolls, knobs, hillocks, ridges, vales, dales, glens, glades, meadows, ravines, cliffs, gulches, gorges, trenches, depressions and many other variation of landforms that prevail in any like mountain range.

This area is also the home of the headwaters that traverse the interior and flow out to the lowlands.  The whole of this area is intersected by fountheads hidden from view by the dense flora in the secluded areas and obscured by the canopies of the dark dank forests that abbreviate the land.  These water laden and inundated terrain heights that support the dense cover that veils the land are the source of natural springs.  Fed by the winter thaw, as well as the springs and autumns torrential downpours that seep into the ground and follow subterranean passages gather to create fountheads to a bevy of rivulets, brooks and melt streams.  These rivulets bubble, spurt forth, and seep along the ground in riffs or wander keenly, branching netherwards, growing bigger and in strength where the slopes tail off and slant, to flow into existing elongated stream beds.

Following these age old watercourses, they cut through natural barriers, wash over grassy meadows, tumble and roll over a schism of natural cataracts to saunter and web over sloping grades and with guile detour, bisect, traverse, circumvent and breach the mountains.  En-route the sloping divides they slow their pace and edge forwards verging and diverging in terraced troughs and following ancient corridors connect and meld together at natural passes.  Now strengthened they plummet over a heap of rocks and boulders that are strewn about at bends with pools of eddies and swirling current gush down inclines to continue their route over irregular land formations and discharge their waters at the inlets of larger streams that wind their way to the basins of the mountains.  These fast flowing streams descend and meander along ancient riverbeds and in route they meet to intermix with other tributaries to form fast moving raging rivers.  Egged on by the forces that control nature these rivers deposit silt at their embankments.  They grind and groan with the weight of rocky debris that tumble and roll at it’s bed and with the force lay siege to banks and sculpt the sides of hills to shape, and reshape the land.  Eroding and depositing its flood debris it moves along it’s natural pathways to traverse the expanse of the Balkan range to venture and empty out in distant lowlands.

T’rsyes highlands area is a wooded wonder, covered by canopies of mastic trees (European evergreens), maple, oak, junipers, spruce, pine, beach, birch, elm, and mountain ash.  Throughout the girth of this mountain range, loam rich soil, begotten by humans from rotted vegetation, sustains and vitalizes the forests that dominate every mountain and hill from the haughtiest ridge to the lowest ravine.  It’s abundant water irrigate the land.  It’s only bare areas are of spaces where erosion has occurred, dried and silted stream beds, tilled fields, glades, meadows, quagmires and deep gulches that have been ravaged by the dynamic forces of time and men, gorged and eroded by ice, furrowed by stampeding rivers and heavy rains.  Even these areas fight to veil their scars by the natural selection of seeding flora, tousles of grass, bushy undergrowth’s of fern, fruit bearing brambles, briers, shrubs and a clump of trees here and a tree there, edging forward to reclaim their domain and transform it back to it’s original pristine cover.

It is also an area pot marked and transfigured by sentinels of gigantic boulders, their top most platforms reaching higher than the surrounding trees, rockbound hills and stone crops strewn along it’s hilly terrain. In areas it is eroded and carved by a millennia of natural river routes that follow the cavities, gaps, and winding snaking corridors that besiege the barriers and trace a path through the base of the range.

The mountains and high hills are gullied and creviced by wide and narrow brooks and riverines, that fork and venture out, branching their tentacles here and there.  They pattern and mould the land, leaving it, irrigated and fertile, all the while draining their excess into streams and rivers.

Given all that and men’s design to subdue it to his purpose, it remains an untamed wilderness.  It’s abundance of food of various grasses, seeds, wild fruits of the brambles, briers, not bearing trees and a whole mix in diversity in flora beckons to a natural wildlife habitat within the untraversable forest canopy.  From the forest to the riverbank edges life abounds and it follows all spaces along the dimensions of rivers and streams, the banks of the whole of the watershed, glens, vales, dales, meadows, in sedges and in many other areas that subdivide and intrude on the natural geography of the terrain.

This natural selection of vegetation in the wilderness becomes an ideal habitat for wild bears, reptiles and fowl that are designers of the area as well as the many others that migrate and take refuge in this natural wonder.

The surrounding area of T’rsye consist of many wondrous, diverse land forms, fauna and flora.  This myriad of landforms and heights give rise to a diversity of natural habitats and is a haven to wildlife.  This diversity of wildlife has all but disappeared from the lowlands and the areas bordering communities of civilization.  Here flock of migrating geese, gander and other fowl, from their southern winter ranges in the summer, it droves make this place their summer home.  In the early spring these and others that are designers of the area gorge themselves on the abundance of the land, of insects, small mormalian creatures, lizards, larvae and amphibians prance, dance, and echo their mating call unvelentessly throughout the spring.  Then with their mates go about their business building nests, rearing their broods, to preen each feed and frolic late into the summer and right through the autumn until the first snap of cold.  They call this home and make territorial claims to the various areas that is inborn in their migratory senses.  Other residents are particular to this area and make their home in T’rsye year round.  T’rsye is the dividing line and it is at the edge of the enroaching civilization.  It isolates the natural realm and its barriers act as a haven to numerous species of wildlife that still cling to a hope of survival from the unrelentless onslaught of civilization that adheres to the philosophy of the taming of the wilderness.  This polyglot of natural wonders permeate in every area, from the highest peak to every mount hill, vale, dale, nook, cranny and river.  There is no inch of ground or forest canopy that is left uninhabited by animal, bird, or insect.  There is no area that cannot sustain a life form.  Even the rocks are home to masses and miniature flowering plants.  In this vast array of natural wonder it make room for humanity.  In this area people live and have lived throughout history.  These that call this area home are the people of T’rsye and T’rsyani in general.  In the territory of T’rsye there are carnivores, herbivores, pollinators and a diversity of others that are always embroiled in a struggle of life and death.  In the natural environment where each must fend for himself and live by their wits, life is not simple and peaceful.  All follow the law of nature, the strong survive the weak perish.  The woodland wolf with its silvery coat is one such animal.  A fierce predator it is a loner but when it hunts it hunts in packs and will attack all, be it man or animal.  It makes its home in the deep wood of the forest, usually making his lair in a stone cavern or any covered area that offers him, his mate and cubs protection..  At night the pack gathers to howl a midnight symphony at the sky.  Silhouetted in the autumn moon they could be seen on any rise calling each other.  They are ready to stalk and do so by the light of the moon.  Day or night they seem never to sleep and lurk about everywhere.  Guided by hunger, they will devour field mice, devour a have and known to snatch a turtle and empty its shell.  The herds of the villagers are easy prey during pasturing.  Herdsmen always kept a close watch of their herds and flock.  In winter driven by hunger, the paks get bolder and bolder and have come to the front yards of T’rsyani to get into a cattle barn or if lucky grab a stray hen or the unwary.  Many T’rsyani have lost sheep cattle, chickens, and their hobbled fearless donkeys unable to protect themselves do to their  hobble have fallen prey to the packs that range the land.  In spring the bear awakening from its winter hibernation from within the solitude of its den makes his way to the rivers to feed on spawning fish.  The bear has little fear of men and has mauled an unwary villager that had crossed its path.    The bear has a gargantulous appetite and in midsummer when the land is in full bloom, it smells out a beehive and raids it unperturbed by the bees strings and make fast work of the stores of honey.  It can be heard crashing through the forest to raid a cornfield or two, leaving a trampled devastation behind as it lumbers through the field downward stalks as it dines on the sweet young kernels.  The fox is a hunter, scavenger and an animal of opportunity, slinking near the wolf packs when they are on the prowl and pick away at the carcass meager tidbits left over of the packs kill.  Whenever it can it raids chicken coops, pounces on wild duck, goose and snare a careless bird from its perch.  The birds of prey, the falcons, eagles, orioles and hawks, the masters of the sky by day they can be seen soaring through the blue yonder and from high lofty perches are ready to swoop and scoop the jittery jack rabbit, sail after other wild fowl as the crow, raven, or pluck a snake from its nest and any other unsuspecting prey they can clutch in their deadly talons.  Here and there life flourishes in this land, winter does not ring a death knell, it is only a respite from the time of plenty, allowing the land to accumulate its life giving force, to rejuvenate the land with the coming of the spring thaw and to release it from its icy blankets.  Although the highland weather may differ somewhat from that of the lowland and the rest of the coastal peninsula, the highland area of T’rsye is still a good representation of the Mediterranean(regarded and known as the middle of the old world) in every respect to the general climate.  It has a precipitous climate of heavy rains in spring and in the autumn months dark storm clouds flow over and pour down to rejuvenate the land and brings in a renewed life to a parched land.  Water is a source of nourishment to all living things and the area of T’rsye had been blessed with much of it.  A hot dry midsummer adds spice to the land with flowering fruit trees, brambles, and flowers enliven the land with a show of majestic array of blooms and aromas that penetrate to the highest peaks.  The grasses are by now deep rooted, stand tall to sway and swoop back and forth in the summer breeze.  Leafy vegetation of fern and an uncountable of other plants edge along the dark forests to penetrate inside where light may break through the canopy.  The forests, rotting ground vegetation, with the trees deep spreading roots hold the moisture in the rout tendrils, allowing the moist laden soil to let its moisture slowly seep to the watersheds and marshes.  They drain and revitalize themselves by new rains and dying trees could be heard echoing the crackle throughout the land as they fall to the ground to rot to soil.  They and the spoils of autumn leaves sustain the plant life throughout the summer.  The moisture that travels underneath the rich soil help to water the wilds and fields with the cycle of every summer rain and perpetuates life, wildlife and any other inhabits the land.  This day, T’rsye remains unspoiled and a protective habitat for all wildlife.  It becomes the proverbial sanctuary for all wildlife.  T’rsye is but one area of Macedon that is a Noah’s Ark in a sea bed of civilization.

My T'rsye

In the land where the rising sun meets the sky
And the moon crests above the horizon
In the freshness of the mountains
And in the crispness of the air
There I was born

In your bosom, I was forever safe
And in your girth, life I did enjoy

To hear once again the sound of sheep brae
As they feed in lands of pasture
To hear the herds of cattle trample
Through the paths beaten of hoofs

The head waters of river Leika
Bathe my soul forever
In those long long days ago

Now but a memory of a distant age
In the light of day I work your fields
And did enjoy as I reaped your fields

Trsye, Trsye, Trsye, you are always in my soul
You are the land of my birth
The memory of my ancestry
The purse of my inheritance
You are all that and more

In my youth, I did traverse
The boundaries of your extent
And lay in the fields, of golden hay
And took my rest in fields of corn

You are the children that bear my name
That planted fields, and hoed the land
You did not me transform but became me, one and all

Your treed slopes, warmed my home.
And the bounty of the fruit, swelled my plate
In this I did feast without concern
That never left me hungry and forlorn.

By the river’s edge, I did appreciate
The bounty for me that you did hold
The mills the wheat they ground
Basket of wheat seed made into meal

By the powers of your dancing current
River Leika, River Konska, and River Kroushenska
The fields for me you did water
Not a dry place did you leave
To burn under the noonday sun

In my dreams I still can hear
The wolves howl at the full moon
The bear crashing through the thicket
And growl his song to his mate

The hares run wild, white their wintry coats
The red fox sly over toward the hen
The owl hoot the approach of the dim night
And the hawk soar toward the sun.

I see the glow of embers in the eyes of the prowling of the night
Hewn from rock, wood, and earth I stay from harms way in my abode.

I left your beauty that ran wild
That molded me into a man
I left for places alien and unknown
To seek my fortune and drink the fruits then forbidden
I left the house of my father
And broke the heart of my mother
But times where such as that
That this choice I had to make.

I dream of you from far away
Of the days of summers that I did enjoy
My heart now aches and lies broken
For I want to be back with you.

Pity my home of yesteryear
For there is no one to carry you
I fear for your name and hope it may not be forsaken.

Console me in my hour of need
From afar reach out and touch me
And warm my heart again
For I still am your prodigy (child) of essource
You are still the land of my hope
Of my dreams and my desires.

My mother and father are no more
My kin have left for a far off shore
I now lay destitute and all alone
And not able to enjoy life without you
And take to body the fruits that you store.

Hold me tight and comfort me
As a mother would her babe
And before I go to die
Let me hear your name resound
And echo through my soul
And instill in me again your name.

Your waters have not been stilled
Your forest still rustles in the breeze
Your waters run their natural course
And field of grass grow strong and tall

The wild beast and birds of prey
Still roam the boundaries of your preserve
The sun still shines and radiates your glow
The crescent moon illuminates the land
But all of this that is beholder of you
I hear not, no more the voices of your children.
Forgive us that we have transgressed
From your motherly touch.

Lay down my head to sleep
In a dream as if posed
I saw my past, the place of my youth
What divine intervention here brought me
And as clean as life itself
I found myself at my place of birth.

I left a place of paradise
As winds whispered gently my name
The winds echoed my passing
Sky thundered their sounds
As the time swept away my step / memory
Sons and daughters and those that bear my name
Fear not I shall not abandon you
I extend my hand and heart to thy children
And bestow on them too the name Trsye

Keep it close to your heart
For it is everlasting and will warm your soul
Keep my name in memory
For I will not forget you

It is you that tilled my soul
It is you that brought creation
And given me a name for my keepsake
And kept pure the land water and beast

In you passing I’ll be your palace
Never fear to call out my name
It burns on every headstone of my people
And in the heart and memories of the living
For my name is your inheritance
And accept it with pride, no less.

For you are mine and I, yours
You are what you say you are.
The children of my bosom
Let none sway you otherwise
For your name is my name
Your name is T’rsyani
You may be gone but not forgotten.

I stand to lament your passing
And feel the sadness of our parting
That broke the heart of my mother
That wet with tears the eyes of my father

I see the wild boar roam
By the brush at the rivers edge
It frolics in the mud swill
Grunting at its pleasure
Free to do all that and more

I see my father’s house
Stone atop stone
Fallen to the ground
In a pile of rubble, sits.

No human voice I hear
Or the sound of any life men passing
Not the crowing or the mooing
Of the herds that we did once have
Nor the laughter, nor the joy
Of my father that once were a gathered
Nor the rickety-rack of the loom
Nor the sound of thrashing wheat
Nor the sight of an oven baking
Nor the sweet smell of fresh bread

Only the selation of the land
And the gloom that follows it
Only to break a man’s heart
At the sight of such blight

Today I had a dream
So real did it seem
I saw myself being born
Amidst the golden kernels of golden corn

I saw the highlands of my birth
In my dream I traveled their girth
I swooped and swooned happy as can be

As a bird soaring the skies, free.

Gele Boudzov (Plachkov) T'rsyanski Voivoda

According to the memories of some T'rsyani the first agitator to organize resistant to the Turks and form gorilla warfare groups in the village of T'rsye on July 1900 showed up in the district of Lerin one of the Revolutionaries and chief organizer the Voivoda of the Lerin chapter of IMRO Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization Marko Lerinski (his real name was Georgi Ivanov).  He arrived in the Village as a salesman,selling scythes His real aim was not selling the scythes but to organize resistant against the Ottoman Turks to fight and get rid of the five hundred years of Ottoman occupation.His first convert for the cause of the liberation of Macedonia were Gele Boudzov (Plachkov) the Bulgarian teacher of the Village and the Exarhist priest father Nikola Pandovski.  Gele received his education in the village institution (School) of higher learning,He was one of the brightest and highly intelligent student of Father Gerasim of T'rsye. Gele and father Nikola took the initiative to organize the people of the village of T'rsye for the upcoming Ilinden uprising.

Gele was a very intelligent person and was respected by all T'rsyani,He became the leader of the T'rsye chapter of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization.He was entrusted by the central committee of the I.M.R.O. a substantial amount of money for the purpose of purchasing rifles and the distribution to other chapters of the I.M.R.O. in the provinces of Kostour and Lerin.A secret committee was formed to supervise the organizational activities in the village, That is to obtain rifles, ammunition's and other essential things that were expected of each household T'rsyani were able to obtain a great quantity of war suply from neighboring Greece due to the fact that T'rsyani were familiar with the routs of the areas in Greece that frequently visited these places to obtain seasonal work there,Among the most courageous people to bring in war material were Mitre Nedelkov,Vasil Peov,Risto Kankouzov and others.

Thus in a short period of time the people of T'rsye had in their possession over 120 rifles the type "De-Gra" (according to Hristo Silianov they possessed 200 hundred rifles) martini revolvers Kremanlii (flintlock) and other necessary components that they had concealed not only in their homes but also in the field and bushes in the surrounding areas.

The Turkish authorities were informed about the activities in the village of T'rsye that Voivodas (chiefs of a revolutionary band) and their Chetniks (members of a revolutionary band) were frequently visiting the village of T'rsye On May 17 1902 the Turkish army came to the village of T'rsye looking for outlaws, there they uncover the Voivoda Gele Boudzov "Trsyanski"with his band and a skirmish occurred there
two members of his band were killed, one was Lambro Peov of T'rsye and one more (name unknown) Gele was slightly wounded but managed to get away,amidst the assault he dropped his briefcase with all the documents in it,the Turks pick it up and took it to their headquarters in the city of Lerin. After examining it they found documents of all the names of the people that possessed weapons and the serial numbers of each weapon.

The Turkish army went back to the village on May 19 1902 on a Sunday and to the surprise of the Komiti (freedom fighters) the chiefs with their chetas (band) Vasil Chakalarov, Marko Lerinski Popov's, Pando Kliashev and the local cheta of Gele Boudzov were in the village stationed in four houses, at the Filipova, Nikolova, Lameva and at Gele Boudzov house.  They gather there to assess the situation and to take further action against the now renegade Voivoda (chief) Kote Hristov of the village of Roula.  When the Turkish soldiers started looking from house to house for the rifles and their owners they came to the Filipov's house and they broke the door open to discover there was one of the Komiti (band) hiding in the house,The shooting started that lasted for several hours.  In that battle 12 Turkish soldiers were killed,and when Turkish reinforcement started coming from the city of Lerin the Komiti slipped away without having any casualties.

At that time the Turks arrested 120 villagers tied them up and took them to the city of Lerin,Sourse (Dakin 94) They interrogated them and some of them were severely beaten in admiring to 90 rifles of the type "De-Gra". Thirty of the 120 men were detained and sent to the prison "Katilana" in the city of Bitola.  Following are some of the T'rsyani's names: Tanas Gelev, Done Georgiov, Filip Grozdanov, Petre Dinev, Yovan Mitrev, Spiro Popov, Yane Peov, Yote Petrov, Mitre Ristov, Kole Fotev, Kotse Filipov, Vane Hristov, and Kole Yanev.  Dimo Kaziov was the only one that did not returned home alive he was tortured there by the Turks and as a result of that he died in the prison.

On that Sunday two weddings were interrupted in the village of T'rsye in one of the weddings the groom was arrested the other managed to escape, also that day the mayor of the village Done Kaziov was interrogated but never admitted of having a rifle and was let free.

On the day of May 17 1902 when Gele lost his briefcase with all the documents to the Turks, Gele knew that by loosing the very essential documents He had to stand and answer to his superiors he was terrified with that incident and went on the hiding.  Earlier the organization had entrusted money to Gele "Trsyanski"for which now he refuses to account for it when he was asked by the organization, Gele was avoiding his superior Marko Voivoda "Lerinski" and he started thinking to escape to Greece.  The Komiti caught up with him in the village of Konomladi Kostoursko where he was hiding there with his wife and daughter and they suggested to him to do away with Kote, but insisted he joined him.

One day the Voivoda Gele and his band showed up in the village of T'rsye and forced the villagers to give up their rifles.  He gathered up about 30 rifles and deliver them to a former Kote Hristov's man and now traitor Kole Slavcheto from the village of Statitsa, who in
turn he gave them away to the Turks.  Why did Gele take the rifles from the hands of the Villagers? was it for protective reasons or was it out of evil ? this probably will never be known.  By the above relative circumstances and by Gele now collaborating with Kote Hristov and going
over to serve the Greek-Christian? Bishop Germanos Karavangelis for 3 pieces of gold coins per month and 1/12 per month for each band member, see Karavangelis page 13-15 Gele negated all that he believed in and abandoned his position as a great organizer and a leader.

The Macedonian Organization I.M.R.O. now had no choice but to eliminate him, Geles man had abandon him and he now needed the protection of Kote.  The order to eliminate Gele were carried by man sent by the Voivoda Sarafov that they caught up with Gele in the village of Armensko which he frequently visited, the once respected and loved by many people and now disgraced teacher and T'rsye's Voivoda Gele Boudzov was killed circa 25 of May 1903 just outside the village of Armensko at the locale of "Vlechaikata" near the road that leads to
the village of T'rsye.

With all the events that took place in the village of T'rsye, the people of T'rsye continued to obtain weapons to replenish the losses they incurred during the Turkish intrusion on May 17 1902.  T'rsye was well armed again for the upcoming "Ilinden" Insurrection that occurred
on July 20 1903 by the Julian calendar.  T'rsye has contributed to that Insurrection with such figures as Hristo Fotev, Fote Mitkov Voivoda, Nikola Mitkov, Petre Sarov Voivoda "Kosturchancheto", Hristo Apostolov Voivoda, Risto Zelenkov, Vasil Peov, Mitre Nedelkov, Risto Kankouzov, Komiti, Dine Popov (teacher).

Some important events that took place in the village of T'rsye as they have been reported:

Tirsia Kastoria "It had 900 hundred Christians,A Church, And a a Bulgarian School,see
S-hinas 1886.

Tarsie, Caza de Lerin (Florina) Christian people:1280 Exsarhist Bulgarians-in operation of an Exsarhist School with a teacher and 70 students, see (Brancov 1905)

Name change of the Village of T'rsye to Trivounon see (FEK/179/30.8.1927)

Trivunon (Tirsia) Florinis,611 people (271 male and 340 feamel) There are not a single (Prosfigas)Turkish Plastoelines refuges of the 1922, 606 were (omodimotes) and 5 were (eterodimotes)-63 dimotes they register elsewhere see Statistic(Apografi 1928) (Note,Of the above T'rsyani all were expelled to Bulgaria during the great Greek Cleansing of the 1920s) (andalagi).

The Greek Bishop of the city of Kostur Germanos Karavangelis had bought over to his side the exsarhist Teacher and Voivoda Gele see (DIS,110, 113 and Dakin,174-175) for 3 gold coins a month for the Voivoda and 1/12 for each member of his band see also (Karavangelis,13-15)

In December 1904 Greek andartes killed the Exsarhist priest of the Village of T'rsye Laze see (Dakin,260)

On August 16 1904 the Mayor of the Village was murdered,Done see (Dragoumis,238 and DIS 359)

On April 23 1906 the newspaper Embros reported the murder of four (4)Exsarhist outside the Village by the andartes group of Zaharia Papada (Foufa) see (EMBROS,23.4.1906)

The news were reported in the American Press, This is another 9 people murdered by a Greek group at the village of T'rsye see (The Salt Lake Herald,6.5.1906.Los Angeles Herald,6.5.1906).

On 24 octomber 1906 the group of Simo (Grachoff) Stogianis of the village of Armensko,He Killed (3) men and one woman which were going to the market of Lerin see (Proxenio, Greek Embassy of Bitola, 30.12.1906,report 761)

The Greek Andartes together with the Bishop Karavangelis of Kostour can not stop of using their gold to buy people and making them Plasto Ellines.On 10. March 1907 The Greek leader Vardas was informed that the Greek Andartes have put (2) men on their payroll of the Village of T'rsye (Nikola and Dimitri, Mitre) with (3)gold coins per month each

On 25 May the Greek andartes have bought over 2 more men and one woman with a smaller amount
of pay per month see (Vardas B 540,696)

On June 1 1907 the Greek chief Gianis Doxogianis informes Vardas that in the Village of T'rsye there are at least (3) three more dia "Kopsimo"(Cuting)

In the Village of T'rsye on June 1946 a detachment of policemen raped a woman outside the Village, and the same month they Burned 2 homes they gathered all the Villagers and they beat them [Alipita] without pity.  Due to the hard beating 2 people died of the Outovtsi family.Some of the policmen were looting the Village (Pliatsikologusan the Homes see (Ypomnima DSE 1947)

Vasil T'rsyanski.

The Invasion of the Balkans by Slavic People (Tribes)

Imeto Makedonia kato geogravska mestnost vo Yugozapadnata strana na Balkano e originalno ot Iliritskata naselba Makdoni,koito se naselile tamo kam svrshotok ha trinaistio vek predi Hrista (christ) Ova naselba mou go dade imeto na starata Makedonia koito postoi do 146 godini predi Hrista i beshe prevzemena ot Rimskata mperia,Mnozinsvoto ot narodo e bil ot Iliritsi i Thrakitsi. Otsvem imeto nishto drugo ne svrzva deneshnata geogravska mesnost Makedonia so taia na Filip vtori i leksander veliki Naselbata Makdoni Koito my go dadoa imeto na Makedonia, kakto na primer Trakitsite i Moisitsite my dadoa iminiata na Thrakia i na Moesia,tia narodi bea asimilizirani vo Trako-Iliriskite narodi mnogu predi zapochvanieto na Hristianskoto era [vreme] So padvanieto na Makedonia pod Rimska vlast imeto Makedonia e bilo zabraneto da se kazhva i e bila prekrstena Pelagomia.

Vo vremeto na Trako-Iliriskite narodi tia bea unistozheni ili asimilizirani,samo edin mal neznachen broi ot nemy ostanaia po planinite pokrai Adriatichko more. Vo vreme na shestio vek podir Hrista,Vizanditsite pochnaia da ga narekve mesnosta Makedonia na Youg ot grad Plovdiv a pak deneshna Makedonia kakto edno geogravsko esto prod'lzhavashe da se kazhva Pelagonia.

Kamo shestio vek podir Hrita (Christ) kogato slavianite nablizae da vzeme tseliot Balkanski poluostrov i stignaia do Peloponisos, Makedonia vo isto vreme e redvzemena ot Slavianite, Ovia narodi se naselile tamo,Smoliani,Strumliani,Rinhiti,Sagondati,Dragoviti,Braiti i drugi.

Vo istio vek (6tio) Slavianski narodi gi prezvea edno po edno site ovia mesta,Moesia,koito e severna B'lgaria na youg ot rekata Dounav, Trakia,Makedonia, Dardania, edna golema chast ot Ipir, Thesalia i tselio Peloponisos.

Za Peloponisos zevame tochnoto dokazhvanie sobrano ot Falmerier so pregledvanieto mestnite narechia mesto po mesto i doshol do s-shtoto dokazhvanie kakto na Kostandin 7tio,oti tselio Polouostrov e stanal Slaviaski,na p'rvo mesto imeto Morea go zamena staroto ime na Pelons, Morea znachi "Mortsko Mesto" iminiata na planini, kakto Hulm vo Ahaia,gradovi kakto Orechevo shelmina vo Lakonia,mesnosti kakto Slavohorion eli Slavonia vo Mekenia, Zagora vo Arkadia, Veligosta pri ostankite na s-shtata Mantinea koito svideteltvuva padvanieto na Epiminondas, Goritsa izgradena nad starata Tegea,Nikla koito mou go predade mestoto na Trigolitsa.

Spored eden Cheski itorik, doktur Kostandin Zhurechek svichkite tia mesta se narekvae Youzhna Slavonia Idvashtite narodi gi preimenuvae mestata koito gi prezvea, kakto Severnitsi,Branichevo, Kychevani,Timokchansi,Moravtsi, Bizarsktsi, Strumiantsi, Somaliantsi, Richinsi,Sagudatsi, Dragovichi,Voinitsi,Veselichi,Zagoritsi,Milittsi,Ezertsi i drugi.

Ot strednite vekove naovaka geogravskoto ime na Peloponisos se znae kakto Morea, Chres tselata Morea naznachenite iminia na mnogu naselbi,planinie i dolini se narecheni po Slavianski taka e i vo Ipiro,Thesalia i do stisovete stenite na Athina, pri Elevsia se namerve Slavianski natpisi. gospodin Lenorman: pokazhva za Slavianski naselbi kakto selata Brania, Bastani, Varnabi, Matsi, Churka i Brana koito se namerve vo ravninite i pri dolinite na planinite Marathon i Zuno i pri ravninite na Elevsia

Tri chetvrtini 3/4 ot mesnite iminia pokazhve Slavianskoto naselenie koito so vremeto e izcheznalo,Helikon se znae so imeto Zagori i blizu do Marathon se namerva seloto Brania. Tuka se namerva planinata Emos (Hylm) i dobro poznatite sela Bistritsa, Bukovina, Goritsa, Granitsa, Kamenitsa, Nivitsa, Podgora, Chenitsa i drugi. Vo Venetsia ot 1293 godina podir Hrista Chakonitsa se opishva kakto "Slavianska Morea".

Tseliot Peloponisos e bil naselen ot Slaviani, mnozinstvoto bea Milit-tsi, Ezertsi i Dragovitsi, takiva naselenia bea namereni pri Lakonia vo Sparti i vo Atika, duri i do vratite na Athina.

Vo desetia vek pod upravata na Larosa vo Morea e imalo Episkopia e imalo i "Ezero" koeto se verva e ime ot Slavianite "Ezertsi". Slavianite istite go menae imeto na Peloponisos vo "Youzhna Slavonia" koeto traia toa ime nad 200 godini.

Note;(Grtsite denes se doue kako zhaba (vatrahos) i kazhve oti ovia mesta napisani po gore se Grtski zemii ot pamti vek, ke se razbude li Grtsite eden den ot sonia si i vide deka ovia zemii prinadlezhve na Slavonite koito gi naselvae Tseli tia mesta i eden den pak ke senasele vo ovia mili mesta na "Slavonia".

Vasil Slavonski.


Goche Delcheff se rodi vo grad Kukush Makedonia na 23 Yanuary1872 (po star kalendar)
tochnoto mou ime e bilo Georgi Delcheff,Delchevoto semeistvo be dobro poznato vo grad
Kukush. Nikola Delcheff tatkoto na Goche e sin na Dimitar i Maria,maikata na Goche Sultana
Yaneva Traikova beshe rodena vo selo Murartsi, Goche e imal drugi tri bratia Dimitar,Milan
i Hristo e imal i pet sestri: Rousa,Tsotsa, Tina Velika i Elena.

Vo 1879-80 godina Goche se zapisa vo togavashnoto osnovno B'lgarsko ouchilishte vo grad Kukush koeto go zav'rshi vo 1887 godina i toi prod'lzhi naukata si i se zapisa vo 1888 vo B'lgarskata Gimnazia Svetite Kiril i Metodi vo grad Soloun.  Vo 1890 godina Goche ga zav'rshva Gimnaziata vo Soloun i so nekoi si drugari ot grad Kukush t'rgnae za da se zapishe vo Voinichkata Akademia vo grad Sofia B'lgaria kadeto toi e bil zapisan tamo na 11 Yuly 1891 godina i na 16 Septemvri 1894 godina,Toi beshe postaven za B'lgarski ouchitel vo novo selo blizou do grad Shtip Makedonia tamo toi se oupozna so Dame Groueff koeto i toi beshe Ouchitel vo edno s'sedno selo, I ot tamo Goche se vrati nazat vo Makedonia za golemata zadacha koeto mou beshe dadena da organizirva narodo za Golemoto Ilindensko vostanie protiv otomanite Tourtsi.

Goche stana Apostol za oslobodenieto na Makedonia,Na 20 Noemvri 1901 toi prestigna vo selo Konomladi Kostursko na streshta so slednite voivodi: Vasil Chkalaroff,Pando Kliasheff, Lazar pop Traikoff, Georgi Sougareff, Hristo Chernopeeff. Toi sobor beshe za da preglede rabotite za renegato Kote Hristoff ot selo Roula koeto be privlechen ot zlatoto (gold of treachery)na vladikata G'rtski Germanos Karavangelis ot grad Kostour Makedonia.

Goche be oubit ot Turtsite na 4 May 1903 godina vo selo Banitsa Seres Makedonia,zakopan tamo i po vreme koskite beha zaneseni vo B'lgaria i na 10 Oktomvry 1946 godina beha dadeni na novo s'zdadenata Republika Makedonia i se staveni pri Monument "Goche"vo grad Skopie Makedonia.



Green forested mountains and blooming meadows blanketed by mist and dew greet the morning sun that bathes the land in its golden rays.  The smell of wildflowers and orchards in bloom carpet the land with colors of rainbow.  Each branch flower and sheath of grass sways in dance to the gentle summer breeze that bisects the land.  Rivers run their course; the headwaters here began.  They foam and froth from the earth to caress the land cool crisp springs flow and churn from hill and dale to forest floor, and field to give life to all they meet.  Wind around crags and snags, winding downward mountain passes, here and there they pool together spreading their flow to let beast, fowl, and men from their body drink their fill.  They are cold but not cruel, they are the source of life that waters all that kindles this paradise.  They are the pure waters that kindle life of the many streams.  They heave their bodies and in motion traverse their course to feed the river Leika, that is the heart of T’rsye winding its path to empty into Solounski bay.


From the breast of her bosom of Leika, her waters we drink, from her and her tributaries in grandeur rise.  The forest and beasts she makes abundant for she is the source of life to man and beast and to all that is life.  Clear crystal waters gush from the ground, foaming, emerging and merging in the form of rivulets, streams, and rivers.  They are pure, unspoiled and undefiled.  They are the essence of life.  They give succor to the forest, to bush, to field, to grass to man and beast and forge forward, with grace.  They are the givers to life, sustenance to the people, they are the litany of nature and the sustenance of all life.  In the valley and the mountains people herd their flocks of cattle and sheep for a chance to diet on grasses green in the abundance resources of the land.  The drover knows his herd.  He takes them to the green.  The dreary pastures are confident.  Golden fruit, taste of nature, fragrant rose, sweet and pungent to the sense.


This is T’rsye, a town located in the hinterland of Macedonia, the village proudly surrounded by mountains, hales and dales, valley, forests and swamp, yet unspoiled and undefined by the acts of man.  Nature and men evolving together.  Fiercely proud of their town and of their Macedonian Bulgarian heritage, they are a robust and tall, sun baked by sun and wind and hardened by their toils, they were born and bred are a hardy lot.  Never from them a whimper or complain, they faced life as it came.  They lived by their wits and lived life to its fullest ravaged by the elements, by toil and time, they are browned and hardened.


To capitulate with grace as you gaze upon the grace of fields in gentle sway.  Fields of strawberry with scrambling blackberries, raspberries, blackthorn and cherry.  Fruits of apple, pear spread their foliage of exquisite beauty.  Nut trees loom.  Coniferous, fruit, nut.  Flowers with tassels and green shoots sprouts among the havens of grass at river edge.  Smooth rich green leaves flecked some, others not, silver hairy, picturesque.  The meadow, forest, pasture and hayfield.  The superb beauty of the land is only surpassed by the splendid shrub and mountain Laurer cluster of tiny balls as honeybees and butterfly stoop to sip the blossoms honey.  With prolific blossoms of fruit trees, flowering shrubs and scented flowers, the shade and solitude of the forest comes alive.  Wild roses crowned with thorns are reigning beauties that brave the dangers of rocky hillsides.  Orange blossoms lend a touch to any bride.


You wander through orchards in inspiring awe in their fragrant bloom of delicate beauty, inhaling the fragrance of the bloom.  Your eyes feast on fruit and flower as in fields, valleys, rivers, nooks and crannies are carpeted with flowers of heavenly pinks, rose, reds, hues of blue, sunset yellows, reds, whites, sweet orange and yellows blossom with nectar sweet to the taste tend to ecstasy as they perfume the land with their fragrance.  The silence of the night is broken, birds soar the skies, fear rumbles in the forest wallows in the field of corn.  As the wolf’s howl at the moon.


The north wind creeps upon the heartland.  With biting cold blast of seeing cold forges forward its icy grip.  As summer heat warms, its hot arid blast, the cool breeze autumn overstates the land, only to befall to winter.  As all good things, all must come to pass, so true is this with the seasons.  Spring brings in life, summer nurtures, autumn reaps its harvest, and winter.  What of winter? Winter through the passing of the old, but with it brings in the new.  The icy winds of the north do blow.  Their breath creeps as death upon the village and white snow blankets the land, envelopes and covers it.


We are the highland clan, a people born of myth and folklore.  Little is known of us; little is written and remains a mystery to the outside world.  We are born of the highland, bred and raised in the bounty of the forest and preserved by trait, the girth of majestic mountains, and sustenance by the forest.  Majestic they are as they rise to the sky and cloaked by a mantle of green forest.  They are the givers of life, for mother earth has seen fit to choose the highland to give birth to the rivers, be the keepers of creatures of the forest, the woodland, and the grassland the sentinels that cover the hill and dale.  To the people of T’rsye this is their world.  A world lost in time and unaffected by man’s ordering of nature here man and nature walk hand in hand, not over dominates the other but both sustain and preserve each other.


The land is now devoid of human habitation.  It is slowly reclaiming back in its bosom what was it to keep.  This was not always so.  Let us go back to a time when this land of our heritage and ancestry teemed with life, where the sounds of humanity echoed through the glade of the forest which gleamed with the glistening ray of the sun, to the glen whose streams glide and guile as they journey hither and hither through thick lush dark forests and of the wood that blankets the land and whose boughs dance to the gust of wind, swaying to the tune of the season.  To the grassland that stay always green and gather the dew from the morning mist and gently rolls with the cascading winds.  To the mountains that rise to meet the morning mists, these are sentinels that keep hidden, this space in perpetual time, that protect the bounty of the wilds, the beasts, the grassland, the forests and gives sustenance, life, and meaning to that that is part of nature that dwells in its domain.


To an era when day was measured by the rise of the sun that sets above the peaks of the east, to the sound of the crowing of the rooster, becoming all to arise to a new day as the rays of the suns magnificence bathes the land with its golden halo, passing time as it arches above the clear, crisp blue azure skies, moving ever so slowly toward the sunset far to the west, a sign that the day’s activities are to come to an end as it disappears over the western rise.  This is not the end of the day, for then follows the night, the time before the dusk, the dusk before the dawn, always the day, always the night, from time memorial in perpetual motion.  It is now the time of the crescent moon and the full moon, ochre red to golden yellow, would as if by magical prowess appear in the night skies bathing a swath of light across the dark terrain and always adorned by a halo of translucent stars that twinkle as if dancing a minuet around the bride.  Both star and moon give notice to the beast of the forests and to awake the night hunters to howl their songs to the winds.

This is perpetual life adorned with the call of the wild batted with the glory of forest, river, valley, glen and fauna.  This is nature at its best, it is the home thatch of man, the playground of the beasts, the domain of life, the essence of all.  This world by nature is a heritage to all living things.  It is also the domain of men.  This is the home of our people – The T’rsyani.  This is the story of our people, our land, our heritage our tradition, our culture, our hopes, our destiny and our life preserved.  From time immortal passed, through ancestry, through divine intervention and natural selection to be what we are – T’rsyani of T’rsye


The forest stiff and bare, choked by winter drifts of snow now spurt out buds to renew their ritual of welcome.  Green grasses mined under flattened penetrate this winter cover to carpet the land and bring abundance to insect life and a sanctuary to many.  Flowering plants rise a brisk as they dance in the cool breezes of spring.  There is life everywhere, the crickets chirp their mating call in fields that flower.  Frog croak there as is their demeanor by the riverbank.  Here and there, one after another busy themselves, laying claim to domains left unclaimed.  Every insect, every fowl and every animal blend together and give a vibrant cheer that life out of desolation had returned.  Their coats of fur, plumage, armor and skin are a spectrum of color.  Some take to the skies, to the trees, to the bush and to all manner of abode that is borne out of instinct.  There remains not an inch of earth left unclaimed.  All manner of things is created as they build, create and go about their business.  They are a community, members of a prehistoric past, that thrive, hunt and are hunted but yet survive to build a new, day after day, year after year, age after age.  They are the life and hope of the land, a recipe of survival.  They are the pollinator of flowers, the caretakers of the forest, the controllers of disease, the givers of life, the sustenance for others to survive, they are all that and more.  This is the act form of nature that remains unappreciated when it is in abundance and is lamented by all when is lost.  This paradise of wildlife is part of our home, our chattel, our gift that governs our way of life.  Their destiny is our destiny, for their abundance, they help seed the ground, nurture it and grows.  For each has a job to execute and interact together to bring about the fruits of life.  Without them the land becomes desolate, dark and forbidding, a moonscape where nothing grows and nothing ever will, but they are there and every year these caretakers of nature renew life in the spring.  This in nature at its best and we T’rsyani in this solitude of inhibited spirit of life and unbridled joy joined our way of life to theirs.  We shared a common trait, we lived in nature and with nature.  We follow the natural law of survival that make the people strong but compassionate, desirous but understanding, happy but considerate and they formed our attitude and our way of life.  We learned to thrive in natures wonder.  We bordered on the civilized world but kept our natural instinct intact.  We relied on the land to sustain us and our basic need and learned the secrets of the land.  We were self-sufficient, we learned to create our implements from natures gifts, our medicine from its herbs, our food from its land, our clothes from its domesticated animals, our colors from the plants that pocked the land, our dwellings from the heart of the land, our warmth from the abundant wood and much more than what we now can imagine.  This was our shanrala.  We named each place by its character, by the things we loved and by the things we thought all to important.  We were T’rsyani and it is a fact that a person could be anywhere in the area of the range of T’rsye and a name of a rock, a tree, a place, a rivulet a mountain can be given and all and every T’rsyanets could locate the person by its name.  This was familiarity and boundaries, fields, and areas were the means by which people identified what was his, what was hers and where was the community land.  There could be no deception for everyone knew what belonged to whom and they respected their ancestral claims and never contested a claim.  Deeds were hardly used and T’rsyani based ownership by ancestral deed of land, that as passed on from father to son, from family to family, from generation to generation.  They were happy then, they created what they need and bought only the trinkets of the civilized world when the world around them changed and could offer them respite.  From labor, otherwise, life remained unchanged for untold generations.  Their culture, their beliefs, their dress an ideology remained unperturbed by the changes that were to shape the world.  They knew that the world was changing, accepted the change but kept their old ways until they could no more.  But that is in the present, let us go back to the time of our grandparents and in the times before them when family, loyalty, honor, respect and all that was of value was part of the way of life.  This is the time we must remember because we must understand them that we may understand ourselves and why we are the way we are today, what our future is to be and where we are headed.  It must be remembered that they, our ancestors are not foreign to us, but it is only safe to say that we would be foreign to them.  We, the younger generation have forgotten a way of life that was held highly esteemed and those that can remember are now old becoming fewer and fewer, maybe lamenting the passing of a way of life, but unable to pass onto us their experience, their history, their culture and their way of life.

There is a delicate balance between life and death.  The people acknowledged such when a babe was born was a time to glorify the family.  In death they mourn and wail to grieve the passing of a brethren, and kinsmen.  They lived between despair and ecstasy.  They accepted life and death as the will of God.  They accepted death as a reflection of infinity.  From the myriad of deep despair in the belief in the prophetic saying “it was written” without such a belief and in the existence of an almighty life, life would seem meaningless and without value.  To exist in those reckless times when life was at best cruel, and fraught with hunger, the people needed to be of a strong constitution.  In the midst of life, death was prevalent.  When death came, it came with a vengeance and not always did it take the old.  Who knew their maker to be near?  It took the young through disease, the mother at the birth of a breach baby, the young lad cut down by the implements of war, everyone when famine gripped the land and nature took its toll in ways that are least expected, cruel diseases struck young and old as epidemic swept the land and natures wrath took the weak and spawned the strong.

The land now lay silent.  No human voice breaks the stillness of the night, no hoe tills its soil, no man reaps the abundance of the fields.  There are no tears of joy to wet the land, no tears of woe fall no more on this sacred ground.  This was not always so.  This place was once peopled and made alive with the clamor of feet and the voice of man.  Desolate it is not, it is now the realm of the beasts of the wild.  The land is blanketed in majestic splendor as it is reclaimed by nature and home to all that were there before man intruded into their domain.  It cradles the graves of our fathers, our mothers, and that of our ancestry.  To us it is alive in our thoughts and memories.


This was our ancestral home, and we hold its memory dear to our hearts.  We are here, in a faraway land.  Our homeland is there where it always was, where it always be.  Its essence is embedded deep into our soul and branded into our conscious mind.  We are far yet we bear its name and carry this essence to our grave – we are the Trsyani of T’rsye.  One day this will dissolve itself from our nature and from our living memory, but today is not the day and what tomorrow will bring is not for us to say.  We can only say we remember, we saw, we partook in its vibrancy, supped of its abundance, lay in its domain upon our birth and stayed in its bosom in our passing in eternal bliss.  With it we saw the best of times and the worst of times.  We danced in merriment and cried tears of woe, but always it brought to us a new day and renewed hope for the future.  It was always ours and we were hers.  When we left, we held our sorrow, but the land cried as rivers swelled and trees swayed as in mourning at our departure.  In its pain the land slowly blanketed all the land with natures best to keep our existence a secure one that not any disturb those interred in its bosom, those that are in deep sleep for all time.


The land will keep and wait the day that the children of those that were may one day return, to come back and reclaim the heritage that is theirs through us their bygone ancestry.  It now waits patiently in the hope that T’rsye may once again become part of the whole.  That is not for us to say, it is the thought for the future generations of T’rsyani living in Macedonia.  Today let us dwell on the past and the present and give tribute to our existence and that of our hometown to leave a testament of it to our children and the generations thereafter.  This story like others is melded from the minds of those now forgotten, they remembered in the fabric of space and time of the part in the history of life.  That past today creates the present that becomes a bygone era when recreated as the present of each generation.


The past has many faces, this is but one.  It is delivered from the veil of the mist of time, a time forgotten to those in the present and for those yet to be born but is entrenched in the memories of those that are in the here and now.  I am him, you are her, they are them, for we will all become the past, yet create the present and propagate the future.  This story is but a flicker of memory in a long struggle for identity to be what we are, to affirm the past through our ancestry and by association.  Ancestry is but a passage of time of ones being, passed on from generation to generation, on and on throughout the ages if unwritten it is to be lost in the myriad mists of time.  If written it will be remembered for a time, but never everlasting.  But lest it be lost those that possess the knowledge may in the least pass on the lineage to the following generation.  Even though faceless the past remains it is recreated in the image of our souls and imbedded in the seed of life that is passed on from generation to generation to give sustenance to our spirit to be what was passed on to us individually.  We cannot reincarnate the past of those before us but have the ability to remember it and those that passage of time has returned back to the land and to dust.  When written it is preserved, and gives meaning to our existence, to understand all that we are and to look to the past to understand the future and not be consumed by uncertainty.


The land from the depths of mystic time, when myth and lore ruled supreme had remained untouched and unspoiled by the mad of man.  Men did dwell in its bouquet of effervescent beauty but took care to preserve this habitat in its intended form.  Even to this day it maintains essential beauty of the natural world and allows our people to reap that what it offers.  We are not natures owners, and in respect for its natural laws we became the caretakers of this living paradise.  The land became the heart and soul of T’rsyani.


It was a magical way of life with all its charismatic beauty and brutality it became beloved.  It was a land of clean blue skies with fresh aromatic purified air.  It was the land of fragrant trees that bloom and carpet it breadth with living color, with giant robust trees of all manner shape and form that stand majestically astride and skirt the splendorous hills and mountain rivers, of streams, of rivulet and fresh clean springs that gurgle from the heart of the land and flock toward the rich harvest of the ground, it roars and thunders as it cascade by leaps and bounds to race downward gorged valleys cutting deeper chasm’s into the spirit of the land and spread through virgin forest to quench the thirst of its inhabitants and awake living matter to seed to a renewed life.


The land was a way of life, the creator of life and the giver of life, of culture, of ancestry and part of our heritage.  Our fealty is to the land and to our brethren that enjoy it majesty and that remains undaunted to this day.  No matter how far and where a T’rsyanets may reside in the world, the umbilical cord to their ancient ancestral homeland remains intact.  This feeling of belonging preserves and unites the many T’rsyani that have left behind what was preserved as their heritage and to this day carry its name to retain the idea of ancestry and homeland.  This too is embedded into our children and keeps a loyal association to a land they have never seen, to the people they may never know a way of life they may never enjoy and a culture that may one day seem foreign as was with us with this new land that we now call home.  All is still well for there is a gene pool that still resides that will carry our name.  The land to this day remains hidden away from the bustle and jostle of the modern world.  It only skirt and skirmishes with the new at its boundaries.  It is never changing, it remains sprite, unhindered by man’s modern eccentricities.  It is fresh and natural without the trappings of man that contradicts the natural order of nature made over into a grotesque silhouette of nothingness.  This is the place of ravishing beauty, mushrooming mountains, grassy glen and broad hidden valleys.  It is nourishing in the splendor of its forests, a home to wildlife, frothing rivers and sparkling streams.


It is bountiful in fruit, in seed and in any other manner that allows life to thrive and reap its harvest.  Rocky knolls jut out unexpectedly like old fortresses in thickets of wood, some covered in coats of lichen and monoliths of stone are natures monuments erected to its majesty.  Mountains stand as sentinels and meet the sapphire sky and guard its hinterland from the encroachment of man’s notion of civilization.  It is, as well the sanctuary to wild beasts that roam unperturbed and frolic in gay abandon in an enclave of safety from extinction.


This is our home – the highland and our people the highlanders.  They are the embodiment of the land., strong, sturdy, compassionate, permanent and of an unyielding manner.  The land is a fixture of the world, the people a fixture of the land.  The land perpetuates life that is never pretentious.  The people reap the succulence of this gift of life and toil in determined enthusiasm in this, their haven.  This is their paradise, for this is their paradise a world unspoiled, clean, clear and sparkling and of abandonment of the woes that fester in men as lice on a deer.  This land, this place was never mundane on mute, but a divine inclusion into our life.  It is the quintessence of the once natural world, it is the land of our ancestry, where those before us were born, passed their days to manhood, womanhood, adulthood, parenthood, bathed in the glory of their age and were reclaimed by the soil in their passing.  For this we became beholden to it, anoint its memory, hold it dear to our hearts and chant it praise for as long as we can muster strength and with a burning passion in our hearts, we look towards it in remembrance of what was ours and what was so endeared.

From the heights of Mt. Loundzer, I could see the dreams of my people, the spirit of our ancestors, the rituals and their culture and of what was their essence.  Now in ruins, the abode of our people is reclaimed by nature.  Where once feet trampled its soil, the grasses dance, the forest are dark and forlorn and the animals of the wild frolic in gay abandon and feast on one another.  There are no more T’rsyani to care for the land reap its harvest.  This is the now, then it was not the case.

T’rsye.   T’rsyani’s Eternal Inheritance.          Photographed,  June 15, 2005



The Village of T’rsye is  located on the southwestern interior of Macedonia, in the province of “Lerin”  The village itself is situated in a mountain range at about 15 kilometers Southwest of the provincial capital of Lerin. It is built on the slopes of Mount “Loundzer”  at an elevation of approximately 1200 meters above sea level .

This is the home of our people-The T’rsyani. This is the story of our people, our land, our heritage our tradition, our culture, our hopes. Our destiny and our life preserved. From time immemorial passed, through ancestry , through divine intervention and natural selection to be what we are-T’rsyani of T’rsye. We are the highland clan, a people born of myth and folklore. Little is known of us ; little is written and remains a mystery to the outside world. To the people of T’rsye this is their world. T’rsye been a mountainous Village. Its land is covered with great forests of several types of trees, it is located between 3 mountains, to the east by mount Ramni V’rh, to the south by mount Koukoul and to north by mount Loundzer. T’rsye including the area of the village of Kalgertsa is one of the biggest in size village in the province of Lerin.

This is T’rsye the place whom the people of T’rsye loved the place they have lived for eons, from time immemorial, it stood the times of wars, famines, and hardships. This was their natural Habitat, they lived together side by side with nature. It must be remembered that they, our ancestors are not foreign to us , but it is only  safe to say that we would be foreign to them. We the younger generation have forgotten a way of life that was held highly esteemed and those that can remember are now old becoming fewer and fewer, maybe lamenting the passing of a way of life, but unable to pass unto us their experience, their history, their culture, and their way of life.

We are here, in a faraway land. Our homeland is where it always was, where it always will be. We are far yet we bear its name and carry the essence to our grave-we are the T’rsyani of T’rsye. One day this will dissolve itself from our nature and from our memory, but today is not the day and what tomorrow will bring is not for us to say. We can  only say we remember, we saw, we partook in its vibrancy, we lay in its domain, upon our birth and stayed in its bosom in our passing in eternal bliss. With  it we saw the best of times and the worst of times. This is the time we must remember because we must understand them that we may understand ourselves and why we are the way we are today, what our future is to be and where we are heading. The land will keep and wait for the day that the children of those that were  may one day return, to come back and reclaim the heritage that is theirs through us their bygone ancestry. It now waits patiently in the hope that T’rsye  may once again become part of the whole. That is not for us to say, it is the thought for the future generations of T’rsyani living in Macedonia.

The heroic Village of T’rsye was swept away by the winds of war and brought its total demise and now T’rsye stands there devoid of its people, not a soul remains there. Nature is slowly reclaiming its land, only the wild animals roam the land free and undisturbed. The civil war in Greece  of 1946-1949 was T’rsye’s final destruction, it was targeted by the Greek authorities to wipe it out completely nothing to remain standing up. In the three years of war T’rsye never came under the control of the Greek government forces, it was always under the control of the Greek Democratic  Army (Communist). T’rsye was at the mercy of the Government forces in engaging in such heinous acts by bombarding the village every day non stopping, they achieved their goal by leveling it to the ground. But there is a national  saying that the wheel is always turning, only time will tell.

From the heights of Mount Loundzer, I could see the dreams of my people, the spirit of our ancestors, the rituals, and their culture and of what was their essence. Now in ruins, the abode of our people is reclaimed by nature. There are no more T’rsyani to care for the land reap its harvest. This is the now, then it was not the case.

By, Vasil Stoikov